Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 25, 2009

Pat is still doing better each day, just as we would all expect of her. Bishop requested we stop bringing in food for awhile as thier freezer is full of left-overs and they are working on what they have in the fridge. Thanks to all who have been so generous in the meal department and to those who have called to offer assisstance of any kind. Please continue to include Pat in your prayers and if you feel you must do something a little more physical, send a card or letter. We need to be careful not to overwhelm Pat with hospital visits. They have requested that visits to her only happen between 7:00-8:00 p.m. The healing process requires much rest. Pat needs alot of quiet time right now. Thank you!


  1. Pat You are AMAZING! Keep up the great recovery and know that we are all praying for you and your family. May you feel the great love we have for you.
    Love, Lena Fleming

  2. Steve and Linda asked about the Bradley family today... Glad to hear Pat is out of the ICU... Keep up the good work!!! Rees Family!!

  3. get well soon sister bradley! i miss seeing your shining face at church! i love you!
    -McKenna Nelson

  4. My Sweet Pat,

    You are such a piece of sunshine for so many. Thank you for being so brave and working so hard to get well. We love you very much and we are praying for you every day.

    Love, Jayne and family

  5. Cheryl. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to create and update this blog!! it has been so hard for Tucker and I to live so far away in such a time when you want and need to be close to family. Thank you so much! This blog has helped us feel more in the loop. You are such a great friend and I will never forget all the love, help and friendship that you gave to my Mom, (Debbie) and now my Mother in law. Thanks and take care.
    Katie Bradley

  6. Pat,
    We were so sorry to hear about your accident. We will pray for you and wish you a speedy recovery!
    Love, Scott,Valorie,Maddie,Mitchell,Ryan & Adam Walters
